Field Notes:

Thoughts on the nature of happiness and how Zero Balancing promotes health and well-being

by David Laden - October, 2006

Definition of “Field” (Oxford English Dictionary): “An area or sphere of action, operation or investigation. A wider or narrower range of opportunities.”

Another definition: How energy (vibratory pattern) is organized.

Our Essence, the Essence of the world is Light. “Let there be Light”. Our Essence, the Light, is the clearest, strongest Field. All other fields are of lesser harmony and organization. Any movement towards more Light produces greater happiness and freedom. Greater Light clears and transforms any other energy pattern (blueprint) created by habit, conditioning, karma etc. which manifests thought, behavior and body function. When the energy blueprint is changed then thought, behavior and health can change towards greater happiness and vitality.

How do we change the blueprint? More Light! In reality the nature of the body is Light. Only the limitations of the senses make us think it is solid and mechanical. “The body is that portion of the Soul that can be discerned by the five senses”– Wm. Blake.

ZB helps to free the Light that is bound within the dense matter of the body. E=mc2. We can become a greater vessel for the Light within. ZB brings us closer to an experience of our real Self and frees us from the limitations of defining ourselves , others and the world only by what the 5 senses can perceive – a solid, dense and restricted identity.

All healing involves the transformation of Identity from the limitations of the isolated body and ego consciousness to an identity where one is autonomous, expansive and compassionate. True Power is generated from one’s own Light. The psychologist C.G.Jung states that our present Aquarian Age is one of “individuation”. In other words, the potential energy for realization of the Self within each person is available on a planetary scale. This is the Planetary Field which is supporting and inspiring so many people to look within and develop their full human capacities.

Working with fields (how energy is organized), we are working directly with light and upon patterns which obstruct the free flow of the light through us, extending past all structural elements yet connected to those elements.

With ZB we help clear the patterns that obstruct the light; we lessen the hold of these vibrational patterns, lessen their power to define us; make them less relevant to the present moment; thus we are less restricted by past conditioning so we can receive the Light of the Now.

If we can overcome the restrictive force that blocks our awareness of the Light, that acts as a curtain of negative and limited consciousness which prevents us from knowing and experiencing ourselves as Light - to whatever degree that can happen at any point in time, that is what we call healing, making whole.

So why don’t we just DO IT? Open the curtain and let in the Light? Because we are attached to our suffering; we try to get all our light and happiness through the body’s desires and material sources of love and pleasure. We are too satisfied with just this little light until we can no longer tolerate so much restriction, so much pain and unhappiness. When the Buddha experienced the suffering in the world, a suffering he himself endured, he was motivated to search for Truth and transformed himself. He discovered the Source of Light and became a vessel for it.

This is the task not only of great teachers and prophets. They tell us it is the task of everyone, and eventually everyone will succeed in removing the whole curtain and becoming enlightened. The Light is actually drawing us home to It. If we see each ZB session as a little step to the experience of enlightenment, in all humility we will be correct. That’s why we love ZB, whether we know it or not. Because it is by definition connected to the search for freedom from suffering. ALL ZB FULCRUMS ARE TACTILE EVOCATIONS OF THE LIGHT WITHIN THE BODY.

Through time we become more transparent to the light which was always there, but hidden. We carry more light, we reflect more light to others and have the power to help them discover their light. When we let go of our pain, our fear, our selfishness, we let the Field of Light grow stronger. We become clearer, stronger, more capable; more loving, more sharing, happier and healthier. We vibrate at a higher frequency in body and mind. But we must do the work of healing, of letting go of selfishness and fear. We must earn the Light through our efforts to grow and expand, through the discipline of releasing our defensiveness and egoity. This can be an agonizing and chaotic process sometimes. But when we are serious about it we automatically receive help from all kinds of universal forces from levels of vibratory reality we are barely aware of.

We need help to let go of habitual patterns of thought and behavior. It can be chaotic, giving up an identity it has taken years if not lifetimes to create. We can feel as if we are being torn apart and we put up huge resistance. We run away from feelings of uncertainty and aloneness. We may feel like we don’t know ourselves anymore. The whole system can shake and rock with the inflow of light and energy.

We need spiritual guides and a meditative practice to help control and organize this Field change. ZB can be a big part of that practice, helping to attune us to a higher vibratory state more gracefully, helping our bodies to assimilate the influx of greater flows of light, integrating the physical and energy bodies.

ZB has the capacity to introduce people to an expanded experience of themselves, an expanded integration. They are touched on the level of structure AND energy. They experience themselves as both solid, stable matter AND as a flowing, lighter essence. Going back to our Oxford Dictionary definition, ZB takes a person from a narrower to a much broader range of experience and opportunity.

I'll close with a quote from Albert Einstein:

“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and for affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion, to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”