ZERO BALANCING ( ZB ) is a gentle but powerful hands-on bodywork system that facilitates both structural balance and a clearer, stronger flow of energy in the body. ZB sessions produce an experience of deep relaxation and renewed vitality while helping relieve symptoms of physical and emotional stress. ZB supports self-discovery, self-acceptance and a person’s ability to create positive, life-affirming change.
You can also visit the official Zero Balancing Health Association web site.
ZB helps balance body energy and structure. Benefits of ZB include:
- Amplifies the feeling of happiness and well-being
- Promotes lightness, ease, and vitality
- Relieves symptoms of stress
- Relieves musculoskeletal tension
- Enhances creative energy & self-actualization
Brief Description
Developed in the 1970s by Fritz Frederick Smith, MD, author of “Inner Bridges” and “Alchemy of Touch”, ZERO BALANCINGÂ is the art and science of balancing body energy with body structure through the use of skilled touch. ZB focuses on bone as a living tissue and the bone energy of specific foundational joints in the skeletal system.
Gentle fulcrums of varying shape and duration are placed directly into the bones and joints in an organized sequence called The Protocol which engages the entire body. The overall experience is one of deep relaxation and integration of the body/mind. People usually feel a state of peace they may never have experienced before, letting go of deeply held tension in the body and the mind. The frequency of sessions can be scheduled as desired by the client to support any goal or intention.
ZB is a hands-on body/mind system designed to enhance health and well being - it evaluates and treats the whole person rather than focusing on symptoms. ZB can enhance transformational processes at all levels. A ZB session is received through clothing and lasts 45 - 60 minutes. It is gentle for both client and practitioner. ZB can be practiced by many kinds of licensed health care practitioners and is effective in helping to integrate the effects of many kinds of therapies.
Articles by David Laden
What is Zero Balancing?
The Social Value of Zero Balancing
The Inner World of Zero Balancing: The Healing Power of Stillness
Thoughts on the Nature of Happiness and How Zero Balancing Promotes Health and Well-Being
The Hidden Messages in Water
ZB Principles and Precepts
A Deeper Look: A Broader Context